Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Honeycomb lung

Lung scarring (fibrosis) with irregular air spaces interspersed between the areas of scarring gives the lung a look akin to a honeycomb – honeycomb lung.
Lung (pulmonary) fibrosis is the final consequence of a different group of diseases caused for example by infections, inhaled mineral dusts, drugs, etc. Sometimes, the cause of lung fibrosis is not known and this situation is known as idiopathic (cryptogenic) lung fibrosis.
In pulmonary fibrosis, the lung becomes less distensible due to scar tissue and its space for air becomes reduced.
The affected individual generally develops progressive shortness of breath.
Heppleston AG: The Pathology of Honeycomb Lung. Thorax, 1956 11(2):77–93. Go to reference 

Honeycomb lung

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