Friday, December 18, 2020

Candy cane esophagus

Consuming very hot food and drink can injure the inside of the food pipe, the esophagus, which extends from the throat to the stomach. Normally the inside of the esophagus is pink. But when burnt by hot liquids or solids, alternating bands of red and white regions emerge, when examined by optical devices. These regions resemble candy cane in appearance – candy cane esophagusCandy cane is a type of boiled sweet often found in alternating red and white stripes.

The outcome depends on the extent of esophageal thermal injury, with most reported cases having favorable outcomes.

Lim CH, Yen H-H, Su W-W, Lim C-J, Tsai H-C, Chen S-T. Extensive Causative Esophagitis Caused by Thermal Injury: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine. 2017;2017:8243567. Go to reference

Candy cane esophagus, candy cane

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Caviar appendix

In a rare usually non life-threatening condition myxoglobulosis of the appendix, multiple small spherical mucin globules develop in the appendix's lumen. These pearl colored globules resemble caviar in look - caviar appendix. Most people with appendiceal myxoglobulosis have no symptoms. Discovery of the condition is often incidental during surgery or at postmortem. The cause of this condition is currently unknown.

The appendix is a blind ending tubular protrusion from the main alimentary tract. It can act as a store of healthy bacteria which re-populates the gut when diarrhea, for instance, distorts the balance of healthy micro-organisms within the main gut. It is also packed with many immune cells which assists with immune responses.

Gosavi MS. Myxoglobulosis Of The Appendix: A Rare Cause Of Pelvic Pain. Current Educational Research. 2018 1(03). Go to reference

Caviar appendix, caviar